Successful Study Tips

With finals right around the corner, I thought I'd share some study tips that I've picked up during this school year. Hopefully they will provide enough motivation and encouragement to help you power through finals and get one step closer to winter break! In high school, I knew that as long as I tried my hardest, I could get an A on an assignment. In college, A's are not guaranteed. College has been challenging in a whole new way. I've had to realize that what matters isn't the grade, but that I can be content knowing that, at the end of the day, I did my absolute best. I've adjusted how I study, adapted to more challenging classes, and learned not to be afraid to reach out for help thanks to Luvo Learn. Here are a few tips that have made me feel more confident going into finals! 

Stay Organized 
Half of the battle is in taking useful, organized notes and keeping your thoughts focused while you are in class. If you do that, studying is so much easier. For me, staying organized includes using a great day planner (I LOVE this one), keeping a to do list of all upcoming assignments, and immediately reviewing and revising my notes after class. If you take it one task at a time, studying for an exam is much less intimidating.  

Avoid Procrastinating
I know, I know... It is so hard to do that reading assignment when Netflix is calling your name! Although it is so much easier said than done, staying on top of your assignments and doing them ahead of time really is key to feeling prepared for a big test. Don't wait until the night before to start studying! Distractions are bound to come up, so make sure to start studying early so that you're able to cover all the material and avoid cramming at the last minute. 

Study With Others 
I do most major studying by myself, but combing brainpower can be a great way to test your own knowledge, break up the monotony of studying, get new perspectives on a topic, and make sure that you didn't miss any key information! 

Use Your Resources 
Don't be afraid to ask for help! A resource that has been so helpful this year is Luvo Learn. Basically, Luvo is an online marketplace that helps students do better both financially and academically. You can upload and download study guides for a particular course and even connect with a tutor that specializes in the subject. I know for me, it is has been so helpful to connect with others who have already taken classes that I need help with. Luvo Learn makes it possible to give and get help when it comes to preparing for exams, and next Sunday, December 6, they are even offering a free day of tutoring to help students get through finals! How great is that? Make sure to visit Luvo Learn's site and check out all the incredible resources they offer! 


20 By 20

I celebrated my 19th birthday a few weeks ago and can't believe that am entering my last year of being a teen! I feel like yesterday I was counting down the days to my 18th birthday and now here I am. Last year was a big year for me. I accomplished a lot and am so excited to take on another busy, exciting, crazy year! But sometimes it is so easy to get lost in that. My friends and family made my 19th birthday so incredible, and it got me thinking, why shouldn't everyday feel this special? So I made this list. What better way to cherish my last year as a teen than to live purposefully, go on adventures, try new things, and hopefully spread joy to others. I have between now and my 20th birthday to complete this list, so wish me luck!

1. Watch the sunrise. I want to make a conscious effort to wake up early, drive somewhere particularly gorgeous, and appreciate the beauty of the new day.

2. Take a class just for fun. Calligraphy, floral arranging, cappuccino making, or maybe all three!

3. Make a daily habit of reading my Bible.

4. Vote in the presidential election. 

5.  Be more generous. With my time, with compliments, with shared moments, with laughs.

6. Make a photo book for high school. 

7. Do the Hollywood Sign hike. I can't believe I've been living in LA for months now and still haven't gotten around to this!

8. Go on a road trip with friends. What's better than long drives with great friends (and pit stops for coffee of course)?

9. Be on time. If there was such a thing as a professional late person, I'd be one. Really need to work on this.

10. Start investing my money. 

11. Read 20 books. It only makes sense to read 20 books during my 20th year!

12. Start singing again. I really been missing that aspect of my life. Before college, I sang in church and jammed with friends all. the. time.

13. Go completely unplugged for a weekend. 

14. Go to bed by 11pm for a month. I'm convinced that college has made me nocturnal. I'm such a night owl, so I'm excited to see if I can actually do this.

15. Tackle my procrastination. 

16. Embrace my imperfections. Self love. It's important. Though this blog's motto may be to embrace the perfectly imperfect moments of life, its definitely something that I struggle with.

17. Travel to a new country. 

18. Go to a live taping of a show. Ellen, here I come!

19. Get an internship. Preferably in NYC or Paris please?

20. Spread joy. 

Give Thanks for Warby Parker

Everyone experiences fall differently, and I am so excited to team up with the eyeglasses company,  Warby Parker to share how I see mine. This season has definitely included a fare share of homework, essay writing, and studying, but it also consisted of my favorite festivities! It's time put the pencil down, close the computer, and share my #FallSyllabus! My #FallSyllabus has included pumpkin carving with my sorority sisters, birthday fun in San Francisco, holiday baking, spontaneous trips to the beach, and reflecting on this season of thanksgiving. I've been counting down the days to Thanksgiving, and as I wrap up on one of my favorite times of the year, I for one am so thankful for Warby Parker. Lately I've been wearing my Durand frames to get me through early morning classes and late nights of studying. Not only does Warby Parker offer so many styles that you can try through their home trial program, but for every pair of glasses sold, Warby Parker donates eye exams and affordable glasses to those in need! And that is something to be thankful for! What was on your #FallSyllabus this season?